Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Most Important Thing
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Why Do We Have Children??
I though of this only because I tried to understand why God created us. It doesn't make much sense. Being God, He new the moment he conceived the idea what the end result would be. He knew about the snake and the flood and the idolatry and man's inhumanity to man and the cost to Jesus. We don't know the end of the story from the beginning of our children's lives but God knew.
We were made in the image of God. I think His motivation is our motivation today. To Love. We know that our children will one day go their own way despite our best guidance. That some will thrive and some will be lost. Some will live beyond us and some will not. We Hope. We will love them wherever they go, near or far, for as long as they live.
GOD loves us. God LOVES us. God loves US. He always will. And we may doubt and we may stumble and we may fall and we may never love Him back but none of that change the fact GOD LOVES US. He wrote it into our DNA. He paints it in sunrises and sunsets. He yells it in the thunder. He whispers it in our ears. He hugs us with the wind. He ruffles our hair in the breeze. He brushes our cheeks with tree leaves. He waves to us with bird wings. He weeps with us in the rain. He mourns for us with the clouds. He encourages us with the sun and the rainbows after a storm. When you see a dandelion (weed..I think not) or a bird perched on a bush looking straight at you. When a complete strangers smiles at you with or a child waves at you. Remember GOD LOVES YOU!! Be blessed.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Are you on a Holy Spirit I.V?
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Conversation with God
Conversation with God.
Me: God I'm really frustrated.
Me:Everything is changing.
Me:I not sure I like all the changes. I'm just tired and need a rest.
God: They'll be time to rest when you die. You have work to do.
Me: Then why not give me an abundance of energy. Superhuman energy.
God: Cause at some point you would start to believe it was your strength. If I give you the strength for just today... And then just for tomorrow. Then you'd know it is My strength. Like manna, I will supply it daily. I will give you daily bread.
Thursday, August 28, 2014

A sister and I were talking about Jesus coming back. How awesome is that? I’m going to give my thoughts about heaven.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Set your alarms now. Church tomorrow morning. No excuses, alright. Sinners might be there. Yep. Every one of us. But Jesus will meet you there too. Don't need church. We were not meant to live this life alone. But you don't know where I've been...what I'm going through...what I've done....what I'm still doing... For every situation, Jesus is the answer. The church building is where we meet to love, worship and learn more about God together. Its where we love, encourage and pray for each other. Church is the good easy part. Living like Christ the other six day and 21 hours is the harder part. Be blessed.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
He wouldn't let me go
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The end is only the beginning--My experience
Please pray for my friend and my sister in Christ, Joan.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
If we are the Body...
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Coming back to the Heart of Worship
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Bible app
Do you have the Bible App? I love it, and I think you would too. Here's the link: http://bible.com/app
Monday, May 20, 2013
Children and psychiatric diagnoses
And how many adults would be more productive had their psychiatric illness been diagnosis in childhood? How many children suffer today because their parents have undiagnosed disorders? We only hear about these things after a major tragedy like a child's abuse ending in death, a suicide or mass shootings . For every one of these tragedies, there are children suffering that will never make headlines. That said, some children would benefit more from a lovingly administered spanking than all the Adderal in the world. Kids drugged into oblivion are certainly easier to parent. In conclusion, we must always be mindful of those whose circumstances we can't really relate to. And those of us who can relate to specific stuggles such as mental disorders, addictions, children with behavior problems, hoarding tendencies, wherever, can be such a blessing to others who are going through these things as well by bring honest in our struggles. Be blessed.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Hearing God's voice
It's an important note that as sure as God speaks to you, so does Satan. It may be easier to give an example of that because while I believe you have to be familiar with God to hear him or know if he is speaking to you, satans lies are usually loud and clear. Psychiatrists would probably call it "negative self talk". But we are familiar with times that we make a mistake and we hear accusations saying we are so "enter your favorite insult". Or that you'll never be smart enough good enough, etc. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. If he can convince you that you're not worthy of love he can keep you from accepting God or anyone else's love. God is the whisper reminding you of his words and his promises and his faithfulness. He's the one that allows you to be calm in chaos by reminding you the your God commands the wind and rain. He reminds you that you are not powerless or alone because you have his spirit with you. Knowing his word helps you recognize his voice and is a weapon against the lies of Satan.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Who are you trying to please?
Who are you making decisions to please? I'm started a new program today to refine and solidify my answer. I want to say the answer is 100% God but not so much some days. In most areas of my life I just do whatever my flesh says. Extra piece of cake? Sure, flesh. Does he need a piece if my mind? I'm on top if that, flesh. Hit the snooze button again? Can do,flesh. Put it on credit? Done, flesh. I often talk about running my thoughts and actions through a God filter. Is it helpful to others? What would Jesus do? Is God being glorified? This is day one in yielding my will and flesh to God. Be blessed.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
A new take on an old parable

God said to me "I've had this conversation before. My Son asked if the cup of suffering could be passed from Him. But I saw his human heart. In His humanity, My Son wondered why He would do this for the very people who would nail him to a cross. His humanity cried at the unfairness of it all. Many would not appreciated His sacrifice. Many more would use His name for evil purposes. But My will was clear. Jesus would purchase from eternal damnation all that would be saved by his very body, blood and life. Jesus' answer was yes and He humbly obeyed the will of His Father. I ask you, daughter, would you save this my other prodigal daughter with your hands and with your home and with your heart as your Brother Jesus did for you. What say you?"
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Keep your head up, sisters.
To my sisters just making it through one day at a time, you are valuable and you are loved. You can't imagine what joy and peace are waiting for you on the other side of surrender. All those things you're heart yearns for, God is. Be blessed.