A sister and I were talking about Jesus coming back. How awesome is that? I’m going to give my thoughts about heaven.
A sister and I were talking about Jesus coming back. How awesome is that? I’m going to give my thoughts about heaven.
1. Heaven is For Real-We are fortunate to have Mr. Bill Smith as an Elder who brings the concept of heaven from the pages of scripture to the fertile ground of the imagination. Heaven is real in a way that this world is only a training ground. We have dual citizenship. I am a resident of USA, Earth but also a citizen of Kingdom of God, Heaven.
2. Harps-ok if you want to-I use to think about how boring Heaven would probably be—sitting around on clouds playing harps—for ETERNITY. If God made our temporary home this awesome and full of wonders how much more awesome will heaven be. This is what I see is picnics and concerts. I want to learn how to play the piano and have lots of time to learn. I use to think that we would get all this “knowledge” in heaven, but then I think about my kids. I think of the pleasure I get when I see them learning something new. I think God feels this way about us. Our eternity will be filled with new thing to learn and do. One day this strange new plant will sprout up and some chef will say I can make some new wonderful food this. New poetry. New music. New art. New food. New adventures. New friends. Swimming with sharks. Flying with birds. What about the “Netflix of Human History”? A theater where events of human history can be seen. See Sampson bring down the house on the Philistines. See Jesus and Peter walking on the water. See who killed JFK—Just saying I’m curious. I don’t know about you, but this makes me excited.
3. God is there. Jesus is there. Heaven is for God’s people. Everyone has a day coming. It’s a face to face with Jesus coming out of the sky or a resurrection day. You have to be ready. You have to be the bride waiting for the Bridegroom. You have to be the worker being fruitful anticipating the Master’s return. Then one day we’ll be around the throne of God. Every tear wiped away. No more death and dying. You have to wake up every day with the realization that Today may be The Day. Be ready. See if your friends and loved ones are ready.
I’m ready. Are you?
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