I was walking down a dirt road. And I saw a person lying there unconsious and bleeding. I ran to that person and I saw my enemy. She was a lady who hurt me at every turn. She stole from me. She lied to me. She slandered my name for her own amusement. She did not see me but I looked down at her dying form and I didn't know what to feel. Then I heard a voice saying, "Take her home and nurse her back to health." I looked around to see who was talking but there was noone around. It was the voice of God. In the most reverent voice I could muster I asked , "What!!??". I told God I'd call her a doctor. He repeated, "Take her home and nurse her back to health." God said to take her home, lay her in my bed, dress her wounds, feed her and bathe her until she was well. Because God must have forgotten the bitterness between this lady and myself, I commenced to explain it to Him. I explained that I was not fair that I be asked to do this with all the bad blood between us. I explained that she would in no way do the same for me. To do this would not be reasonable or rational.
God said to me "I've had this conversation before. My Son asked if the cup of suffering could be passed from Him. But I saw his human heart. In His humanity, My Son wondered why He would do this for the very people who would nail him to a cross. His humanity cried at the unfairness of it all. Many would not appreciated His sacrifice. Many more would use His name for evil purposes. But My will was clear. Jesus would purchase from eternal damnation all that would be saved by his very body, blood and life. Jesus' answer was yes and He humbly obeyed the will of His Father. I ask you, daughter, would you save this my other prodigal daughter with your hands and with your home and with your heart as your Brother Jesus did for you. What say you?"
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