Why do people have children? I really doesn't make sense. With the economy, the crime, the hate and the disease, why would you bring something so pure into this world. Babies come into this world so pure and innocent and it doesn't take long for the world to grab them up. Even if you try you best to protect them from the pedophiles and the strangers, what can you do about the natural disasters and the mental and physical illnesses? What can you do about the freak accidents and the misspoken meanness we use in moments of frustration? We want to protect them from everything, but sometimes we can't even protect them from our bad choices...their bad choices...someone else's bad choices.
I though of this only because I tried to understand why God created us. It doesn't make much sense. Being God, He new the moment he conceived the idea what the end result would be. He knew about the snake and the flood and the idolatry and man's inhumanity to man and the cost to Jesus. We don't know the end of the story from the beginning of our children's lives but God knew.
We were made in the image of God. I think His motivation is our motivation today. To Love. We know that our children will one day go their own way despite our best guidance. That some will thrive and some will be lost. Some will live beyond us and some will not. We Hope. We will love them wherever they go, near or far, for as long as they live.
GOD loves us. God LOVES us. God loves US. He always will. And we may doubt and we may stumble and we may fall and we may never love Him back but none of that change the fact GOD LOVES US. He wrote it into our DNA. He paints it in sunrises and sunsets. He yells it in the thunder. He whispers it in our ears. He hugs us with the wind. He ruffles our hair in the breeze. He brushes our cheeks with tree leaves. He waves to us with bird wings. He weeps with us in the rain. He mourns for us with the clouds. He encourages us with the sun and the rainbows after a storm. When you see a dandelion (weed..I think not) or a bird perched on a bush looking straight at you. When a complete strangers smiles at you with or a child waves at you. Remember GOD LOVES YOU!! Be blessed.