Monday, January 19, 2015

Are you on a Holy Spirit I.V?

Is your relationship with God like an injection or an IV drip? Do you get a Jesus injection on Sunday and maybe Sunday night? Maybe Wednesday? Or do you have a 24 hour IV drip of the Holy Spirit? We who have been baptized received the gift of the Holy Spirit. He is Comforter that Jesus spoke of. He is the "never leave you or forsake you". We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. He lives in us. We can speak to Him all day long and He speaks to us in a hundred ways as we go along our day. God leads us. Are you listening to his directions? You know, you can have a IV drip, but if it's not plugged into you vein it's useless. The IV pump will keep working but the medicine you need won't get to its destination. Plug into God through reading His Word, talking to Him daily, talking about His goodness, singing His praises, connecting with you forever family and thinking on heavenly things. Worship Him with your life: how well you treat your family, your coworkers, your enemies. Worship Him by your conversation: avoiding complaining, off colored jokes, inflammatory, coarse language and embracing encouraging, kind and speech that sets you apart from the world. Worship Him by how you conduct your business: honest, hard-working, helpful, dedicated. None of this is easy. None of it may feel natural initially. But that's where God comes in. He is able to make you to stand and to be everything He created you to be. Be blessed. Have a marvelous Monday.